DEI Vision Statement
Adfero is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive and equitable communications agency.
We know that our commitment is just one small step in enacting meaningful change. The public relations industry and the public affairs profession both historically and currently have a lack of diversity. People of color, for instance, are underrepresented in public relations agencies and women are generally underrepresented in agency leadership. The public affairs profession also has inequities: A 2021 study by the Public Affairs Council found that only 17% of those in the corporate public affairs function are people of color. These inequities in the public relations industry and public affairs profession demand action. As a firm we are dedicated to doing our part, and being an industry leader, in the effort to right these wrongs.
Built on Adfero Company Values
Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is built on the bedrock of our employee-centric core purpose and our four core values. Our company exists to create opportunities for our current and future employees to do what they do best. Our core purpose is also to support and help grow our employees as they do what they do best. This core purpose in not limited to certain kinds of people. Rather, we must create opportunities for a diversity of employees and equitably support all team members regardless of their background.
Our company values also inspire and support us to build and grow an equitable and inclusive culture. Our value to respect the abilities of every individual and the dignity of every person means that we treat everyone (regardless of their position in the company or their role on a team, or their background or experience) with the utmost dignity and respect. While we may not always agree, we listen, support and value each other.
Creating Value for Clients and Beyond
As a communications agency working with a diverse range of clients and projects, we have a strategic commitment to building high-performing teams that produce the utmost value to our clients. Foundational to building great teams is creating diverse, equitable and inclusive culture. The best teams are not only diverse in work styles and skills, but also include a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. High-functioning teams are built on mutual trust and respect that allow for all voices to be heard regardless of one’s appearance, experience or perspective. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment so that every team at our agency can thrive and ultimately provide the greatest value to our clients.
We also believe that diversity in our workforce allows us to better help our clients communicate to a diverse set of stakeholders. Regardless of whether our clients are communicating to Members of Congress or to members of the public, when Adfero has a diverse workforce, we are better able to help our clients use the best messages and the right words to communicate to a diversity of audiences more effectively.
Our DEI Commitments
Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is critical to upholding our core purpose to our team and providing value to the clients we serve. In the next year, we are committed to:
- Growing our network for recruitment of new team members to prioritize diverse candidates, especially in leadership roles.
- Building clarity around the processes for determining employee pay and promotions; educating team members to ensure a common, equitable understanding of these practices.
- Educating and equipping team members with the necessary tools for reporting and addressing inappropriate behavior from teammates and clients.
Through our core purpose, our values and service to our clients we are committed to our contribution in creating a more inclusive and equitable world. Adfero’s diverse team brings different backgrounds, ideas, experiences and visions to the table which allow us to embrace others’ differences and see their views more clearly. Ultimately, our diversity of people and our acceptance of different perspectives helps us produce diverse, equitable and inclusive work that best solves our clients’ challenges and creates a space for our team to develop and flourish.
What DEI Means at Adfero
- Diversity at Adfero describes the unique talents, skills and experiences of every member of our team. We are committed to building a diverse team that reflects seen and unseen identities and differences, including age, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, thinking and communication styles, religious beliefs, or affiliations. We must respect and value this diversity in both our workplace and in the world.
- Inclusion at Adfero means that we solicit and welcome contributions and full participation by all teammates. We create opportunities and intentional space for people to contribute in ways that meet their needs and unique abilities. Inclusion is realized through our core value of respect, to respect the dignity of every person and the abilities of each individual.
- Equity is our commitment to ensure our teammates have equal opportunities to contribute and be heard, to prosper and grow, and to have fair access to information, resources, and opportunities at Adfero. Equity at Adfero is also a lens through which we look when making decisions and plans, whether they affect one or all people.