Generative AI Insights for Communicators

By Lauren Tyler, Chief of Staff

Technology has long impacted the way we communicate; how we research and compile information, how we share messages and how we measure impact or success. Like the tools, channels and technologies that have come before it, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how we approach our role as communicators.

Generative AI describes the use of algorithms to create certain outputs, like text, content, and images, based on learnings over time. Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, have become increasingly popular and integrated into everyday life as the technology has become more sophisticated and accessible. While commentary on how AI will ultimately impact the workforce grows each day, the Adfero team is exploring how we can use the technology to help achieve our goals and those of our clients.


Thoughtful use of AI tools to enhance your communications processes, planning and development can help improve speed, effectiveness, and efficiency. A few key benefits of incorporating tools, like ChatGPT, into your work, include:

  • efficiency

    Increased efficiency

    AI can automate time-consuming tasks and free up time to focus on more strategic tasks. Use AI in measurement and reporting to compare data sets or identify trends for further (human) analysis.

  • personalized

    Personalized communication

    AI can be used to tailor content for different audiences, ultimately building stronger relationships with target audiences and increasing engagement. Incorporate AI-driven functionality in your email marketing campaigns to nurture and activate stakeholders.

  • creativity

    Enhanced creativity

    AI can provide new insights and ideas, helping teams develop more effective campaigns. Consider using AI in your brainstorming process for increased creativity and inspiration.


On the other hand, using AI tools can bring a new set of risks and considerations to weigh, including those around privacy, accuracy, and ethics. Keep these disclaimers in mind when incorporating AI into your communications work.

  • information

    Protect confidential information

    Many AI tools use open platforms that retain information to generate future outputs. Do not enter any information into an AI tool that you would not want available to the public, unless it is specified as a closed platform.

  • laws

    Consider IP and copyright laws

    AI-generated work cannot be entirely protected under current U.S. copyright laws. While OK for inspiration, do not use AI-generated assets in public campaigns (without appropriate legal counsel).

  • verify

    Verify accuracy and your source

    Validate research and claims generated by AI tools and verify the source by performing your due diligence. Human judgment and oversight is critical for the responsible use of AI tools.

The Adfero POV

Generative AI tools aren't going anywhere. While there are downsides and unknowns, communicators can take advantage of this technology to make their lives easier and ultimately improve their communications and results. Explore the variety of AI tools at your disposal to increase efficiency, personalization and creativity, and use them responsibly with a healthy dose of critical thought and discernment.

More on AI in Communications

Axios: How Microsoft communication leaders are using AI
Public Affairs Council: How Will ChatGPT Change Your Job?
PR Council: Guidelines on Generative AI Tools

Lauren Tyler

About the Author

As Adfero's chief of staff, Lauren manages the firm’s people and operations, ensuring that her Adfero teammates have the resources they need and opportunities to do what they do best. She supports client and business development teams across the firm’s practice areas, coaches and develops teammates within accounts and capabilities, and manages Adfero’s Executive Team operations and strategic planning. 

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